Traditional Multilevelmarketing Is Based On Duplication
20 years ago, traditional multilevelmarketing meant ?Herbalife? or ?Amway? to me. Traditional multilevelmarketing was very often run as a so called homebasedbusiness. Rounding up friends, inviting people to meetings, doing one phone call after the other, buying great products, listening to CD?s, attending seminars and reading book after book was all part of those multilevelmarketing activities. The basics are simple: Multilevelmarketing, also called network marketing, is based on the method of duplication.
In a multilevelmarketing system the sponsor teaches his team partners how to work successfully, and because the team partners copy exactly what he does they will also become successful. It?s an easy and approved success method already for decades.?
Traditional Multilevelmarketing versus On Line Marketing
Nowadays duplication is still in use, even if on line marketing comes into play. We will just have a look, how multilevelmarketing companies adapted to the internet, how they implemented on line marketing into their business model.
As contemporary multilevelmarketing in the age of internet is mostly run as a homebasedbusiness, things have to be kept even simpler than in the past, because there are no more regular meetings where people gather and issues can be discussed. Homebasedbusiness is really done at home in front of the computer nowadays. Video conferences are not really a full substitute for meetings. Homebasedbusiness owners must be enabled to run an online business on their own, even without computer knowledge or experience in on line marketing. Some email support or a phone call from the sponsor every now and then has to be enough to keep the business up and running. The multilevelmarketing companies had to automate tasks and simplify the workflow. Duplication had been carried to extremes.
Most of those contemporary network marketing companies provide all homebasedbusinesses with their own landing page for acquiring prospects and selling products. The homebasedbusiness owners hope that search engines would send prospects to their landing page and that their down line would grow automatically. This is modern style duplication.?
I Reveal My Homebasedbusiness Secret
Most networkers have their very own success secrets, especially if it comes to on line marketing. Some of them are even ready to reveal some of those well hidden secrets to seduce prospects to join their multilevelmarketing business. They expect that the crowds out there would be interested in getting to know these valuable success secrets. Who don?t want to learn about well hidden secrets? I?m sure you are eager to learn about the secrets of others! Don?t you?
But do people really gasp for getting to know your secrets? Do you know your market and the psychology of your target audience well enough? Are the hordes out there really waiting to get some homebasedbusiness secrets revealed to them? How can we find out if there? really exists a market for revealed secrets?
Let?s have a look at Google?s statistics: There are 32?200?000 websites revealing their network marketing secrets. But there are only 1?300 people worldwide searching for ?network marketing secrets? per month. It seems that networkers often overestimate the value of their secrets and the interest other people show to their homebasedbusiness.?
When Duplication Turns Into Plagiarism
There exist thousands or even millions of similar or identical member?s pages on the net. The one of your homebasedbusiness is just one among a whole bulk of same written content. Just give me one good reason why Google should send one of the 1?300 people searching for ?network marketing secrets? to your landing page and not to another one? You see, this is exactly when duplication turns into plagiarism. Google hates duplicate content! And the readers hate it too, when a search result provides thousands of identical pages. For this reason Google is no more listing pages with duplicate content. There is no hope, that search engines will ever drive traffic to your landing page, because it?s not even listed! There are tools available to check if your content is unique. These tools are called online plagiarism checker. Check your member?s landing page with such a free online plagiarism checker and you?ll know if it?s unique or replicated.
An own web presence, social marketing, blogging and article marketing are used to attract new customers and fellow networkers instead. Most multilevelmarketing companies provide ready to use written content to post on blogs, e-zines and social networks like facebook or twitter. Does it help? ? No, it doesn?t help. If everybody posts the same content, Google gets exactly what Google hates: duplicate content! And the readers of those e-zines and blogs get bored, if they see the same content again and again. Just ask yourself: "Are you one of those boring networkers who are harping always on the same theme?"
Create Unique Content To Make Your Homebasedbusiness Outstanding!
Creating keyword rich unique content is a must for every ambitious internet marketer and networker. You earn more money if your articles and blog posts are unique and outstanding from the average duplicate bulk on the net. Each and every posting of the same article should be rewritten to make it outstanding, original and unique. ,
An Online Plagiarism Checker Will Make Sure That Your Content Is Unique
An Online Plagiarism Checker is the best tool for checking, if your content is really original and unique. But now you may think, that producing unique content is very time consuming. You?re right, it is, if you do it manually. But there are solutions available that make it easy for a homebasedbusiness to produce masses of quality unique content!
How can Homebasedbusiness Owner Write Unique Multilevelmarketing Content Easily?
Successful on line marketing can only be done by providing masses of original and unique written content. Any homebasedbusiness can do this unsually very time consuming rewriting work automatically in now time. Masses of unique articles will really boost your mulitlevelmarketing business! Up to now such a rewrite software was quite expensive. There were costs of approximately US$ 80.- to US$ 200.- per year to get access to such a time saving software. And those old rewriters haven?t been perfect at all. But now comes the good news: There is a new sophisticated software available that provides really great results. It brings automatically rewriting to the next higher level. An unbelievable high quality of the rewritten unique texts makes this software a must for every multilevelmarketing homebasedbusiness. Among many useful functions I want just mention that two kinds of an Online Plagiarism Checker are already built in!?
Automatically Create Unique Content For Your Multilevelmarketing Homebasedbusiness
You may think that such a new and advanced software would be out of financial reaches for a homebasedbusiness. But the opposite is true. Despite the fact, that this revolutionary rewriting solution reaches an unmatched high level of quality, it?s not only much cheaper than the previous available old products, it?s completely free! Unlimited! There are paid upgrades available for additional functionality, but the great rewriting tool itself is 100% free and really beneficial for the user. The software is stable, easy to use and produces with ease 6 to 16 unique high quality articles in no time. There are video tutorials available that make it easy to start. Just check it out, it?s free:
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